Thursday, February 4, 2021

Monday, January 25, 2021

Cat. Why.

 I don't think this is a poem.  And I'm pretending that the accidental rhyming doesn't bother me.  And that I don't feel like I need to go back and make the whole thing rhyme now.

How's everybody else's day going?  Anybody know how to get a cat off a roof?  Do I need to put on a poodle skirt and petticoat, pick up my heavyass handset landline phone and call some firemen from 1952?  Is that a thing?

Friday, January 22, 2021



So, I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do for this prompt. I had a couple of ideas, and I have another piece rattling around in my head that, I think, probably fits better.  But, it's a heavy one, and I'm not up for maudlin tonight.  "But Mel" you ask, "isn't this also kind of maudlin?" Nope. This is me, letting go of something while I still can.

P.S. "Exercising" is not a typo. Trust me, when I say, I meant it that way 😉😈

Partially inspired by the prompt "It's Behind You" from @warriorsquill

Thursday, January 21, 2021

•phosphoric nightmare•

•phosphoric nightmare•

i know, i know i slept last night,
but i don't know where i went
caffeinated determination breeds hyperactivity
more fuel for mania induced erratic thoughts
send. help. please.
where do i plug in to erase my internal harddrive
who can i kill to unrecord these digital dreams
i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired, i'm tired of being fucking tired
if i repeat it in a smashed mirror, will restful slumber appear?
these nightmares, they are a...little...too...real
how do i counteract this adaptive innocence, where hope
keeps creeping in like the monster under the floorboards
to ravage, bruise, and claw when i am least expecting it

nervous hands, let them wring, until the screen cracks
anxious ringtones trigger all that hyperarousal
which, i know, sounds like a fun thing
can you quick, look up, and tell me,
who in the hell thought up that terminology?
i'd like a word (but sincerely, not another one of theirs)
and while we are asking impossible questions
when will all this uncashed promise come to fruition?
too little, too late, and all of my dollars short, though...
right now it might be good enough for a fistful of change

if i can bite my lip through all these smiling lies once again
tugging, between my teeth, grinding that tender flesh
until i taste the frayed color of freshly drawn blood
strolling now with false aimlessness, down
this oddly greyscale toned lightning struck beach
i will bury all my hearts in the sand, unwittingly crushed
under the feet of tourists in the mourning light, waiting here,
for the rising storm to encase my emotions in glass
as i raise my cocktail of seawater, for one last salty drink

•   •   •   •   •   •

Lack of inspiration x writer's block + nightmares = ? This, apparently.
Spellcheck says 'aimlessness' is not a word, but I'm calling bullshit on that. Aimlessness is the keyword in the theme song of my life. It is a word if I say it is. #donttrymespellcheck 

Inspired by "Digital Dreams" from @4urnotalone and using twelve of the prompts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



This went in a completely different direction than I was expecting, but, um....yeah. 😐🤷

Inspired by the @antipoetic.revolution phrase prompt:
"Dying is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well." 
–Sylvia Plath

Friday, January 15, 2021

more (time)


Today is (would have been? I never know how to phrase that..) my mom's birthday. And I'm giving myself permission to be sad, or nostalgic, or whatever it is that I need to feel. Do me a favor, if you're reading this, do something good for yourself today? Anything. Just something you really enjoy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021



it's an interesting word
i've been feeling it these past couple years
i've written about it before
my issues with food vs depression vs poverty
we are all so touch starved from
this fucking pandemic
that i'm not entirely sure we can heal from it


i've watched
the ever increasing food lines on the news
but i have also lived them this year
i wrote a funny piece about it, i didn't post it
because i realized it's not really safe
to find humor in things like that right now
maybe not ever
because i would never want to give
anyone an excuse, more than they already have,
to talk about how the "less fortunate"
are just asking for a handout they don't need
that we don't need?


this morning i'm watching live feed
from the US House trying,
and maybe succeeding?
who knows
to mete out punishment
so far due that it ain't funny


sitting here listening
and battling anxiety to do it
and what do i hear,
while i'm having my breakfast
of food pantry leftovers?
but one of our US house representatives
use the word "starve"
talking about political donations
about how big companies have finally
committed to starving them of donations
y'know, i'm well aware that
"our" politicians are really really far removed
from the actual people, but
that was a kick in the teeth
i just did not need this morning


bitch, you don't know the meaning of the word

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

•things that I had almost forgotten•


This is....softer...than I feel on most days lately, and I don't think it is quite what this prompt was going for. But the Universe is speaking in interesting ways of late, and I think I needed the reminder.

For the prompt "sticks and stones" from @warriorsquill on instagram

Sunday, January 10, 2021

XVI The Tower


I've been thinking a lot of about politics, and tarot. Not at all related, really, just what's been on my mind. In tarot there are a few cards that everyone always freaks out about. The tower, being one. And it is, it's a rough card, because no matter how you try to soften that blow, it still signifies catastrophic change. But the thing is, I think sometimes you need to see that, the flames, and that tilt that seems so wrong, because it IS eye opening. It's harder to keep pretending that nothing is wrong. Everything is, of course, open to interpretation. But what it boils down to is, you can either ignore the message, or start the work that needs doing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021



Fun fact:  That brain line? It came straight from a conversation with my therapist. And I have been dying to use it in something 🤷😂

📷: canva

Friday, January 1, 2021



Two things:  1. Apparently drunk and relatively happy-ish Mel does not write depressed poetry aaaand 2. I reaallly wanna make a 'bringing in the new year with a bang' joke....but I'm not gonna.  Cuz, uhmm, propriety or some such nonsense? ???  Bonus thing 3. Thank all the gods for spellcheck, cuz #drunkMelisstilldrunk

[muuuuch later edit from sober Mel: un-typoed version below⤵]


i'm sinking into this bottle and
feeling like i remember who i am
like the girl i grew to...almost love
finally swallowed up this maudlin woman
who won't get out of my skin
am i, am i burning bridges?
i might be, but the flames are so enthralling
can i blame their beauty?
because i want
i want to set fire to your words
this blistering heat on the tip of my tongue
will you drown me in molten warmth?
i want to bathe in the smouldering ash
engulf me flames,
i need to trace the lines of soot
as it frames these bodies like
the most delicate heirloom lace
it's the only lingerie i want to wear
remind me, remind me again
why we shouldn't burn?